Jan 17, 2017

Visit external publication

Yeah, we know. We’ve all heard rumors of new jobs coming to New Hampshire, and when you’re the one in dire need of employment, those rumors really resonate. Of course, the silence that follows false hope echoes even louder, frustrating those looking for jobs in NH and beyond. The trick is to practice selective listening, or in this case, reading. Sure, scour the papers and postings for information, but then recruit the pros to provide you with an actionable plan.

A recent article in Manchester’s Union Leader cites the incoming arrival of more jobs to the Londonderry area. Mind you, these jobs aim to replace those that have already relocated elsewhere. But, for once, the transition between old jobs and new might actually pose a win-win scenario to those looking for jobs in NH. But what if you live miles from Londonderry, and are instead looking for jobs in and around the Connecticut River Valley? You’re in luck! Not only are there jobs a-plenty in and around Keene, Claremont, Lebanon, and even Brattleboro, VT, but you’ve got access to the best staffing agency in the state.

Ready to jump to the front of the line and submit your resume to cherry opportunities right in your own backyard? Do the smart thing and join forces with TPI Staffing first. Admit it, your resume could likely use a thorough going over and it never hurts to practice interviewing by having a candid conversation with a professional staffing agent. Practice makes perfect and, in this case, “perfect” equals your perfect job.

Before you apply to these jobs in NH, approach the team at TPI Staffing and let the team’s expertise give you the edge over the competition…